(to the sea)


The story of Caspian and Scotia actually starts with the War (mentioned in the premise on the index page), but it REALLY starts with their Fathers. The premise of that story goes like this:

A long time ago, there was a war...(&c., &c.)The people from the sea never go into the sky, and the people from the sky never go into the sea. The people from the land forgave the people from the sky, and the people from the sea, and allowed them to wander, but not stay.

There was a man that they called the son of the sky, who has only ever read about the sea. "Wouldn't it be nice," he said to himself, "to go to the sea?"

There was a man that they called the prince of the sea, who has only ever heard about the sky. "Wouldn't it be nice," he said to himself, "to go to the sky?"

From the sky, the first step towards the sea is the land.

From the sea, the first step towards the sky is the land.

To the land!

(to the sea) is to some extend a spinoff of that story, but nevertheless a story in itself.

A concept image of their world:

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